
Reading Time: 2 minutes As you already noticed, I migrated the blog to a new platform. The blog is now hosted at and I will explain why: It took to much time to maintain the server and the blog itself, keeping it up to date and so on, that I had no time to write posts. I do … Read more

Thank you for more than 100 Clicks on one Day

Reading Time: < 1 minute Yesterday, we reached a new record for clicks per day. With the help of you all, I got more than 100 clicks. This is outstanding and means a lot for me. From those great figures, I can see, that the stuff I post is really appreciated and helpful. Currently, I have a lot of ideas … Read more

Thank you for >1000 visits

Wordpress Stats

Reading Time: < 1 minute Thank you to all of you, visiting my blog and reading my posts. Since I have started using the WordPress platform in July, I received more than 1000 visits. In just two month. I’m very curious to see, how long it will take to get 5000 visits. If you think, my posts are valuable, share … Read more