Using Linux with OpenLDAP for User, DHCP and DNS

Reading Time: 27 minutes I’m using Microsoft Active Directory in my Lab for most of the tasks, like user authentication, DNS services, and DHCP. The windows VM is getting bigger and bigger so I decided to switch to Linux. The goal is, to have my user directory, my DNS zones and DHCP subnets managed in OpenLDAP. This post shows the … Read more

Unified Aruba Controller Discovery

Reading Time: 7 minutes This time is about some basic things. I will describe the unified Aruba controller discovery process. With the new unified software, the process is the same for IAP and CAP. Actually, with the new unified software, there is no IAP or CAP anymore. The Aruba discovery process is a simple process. The AP uses this … Read more

How-To: Controller Discovery

MSM Dashboard

Reading Time: 9 minutes In this post I will share my experience with controller discovery in the network. You will get many information on how the AP can discover the controller and what network requirements needs to be meet to do that. I will cover the following topics: Where to place the AP’s in the network How the discovery process … Read more